XVS contract serves as a customized ERC-20 token with additional minting and burning functionality. It also incorporates access control features provided by the "TokenController" contract to ensure proper governance and restrictions on minting and burning operations.

Solidity API


Creates amount_ tokens and assigns them to account_, increasing the total supply. Checks access and eligibility.

function mint(address account_, uint256 amount_) external


📅 Events

  • Emits MintLimitDecreased with new available limit.

⛔️ Access Requirements

  • Controlled by AccessControlManager.

❌ Errors

  • MintLimitExceed is thrown when minting amount exceeds the maximum cap.


Destroys amount_ tokens from account_, reducing the total supply. Checks access and eligibility.

function burn(address account_, uint256 amount_) external


📅 Events

  • Emits MintLimitIncreased with new available limit.

⛔️ Access Requirements

  • Controlled by AccessControlManager.

Last updated